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Hey, starlit. This game looks so pretty. I found this game while looking for an rpg/jrpg pixel art game to play.

I was wondering if it was okay to make some videos of this game on my YouTube channel? What about monetizing those videos?

I'd like to make the following:

  • first impression feedback/gametesting video of the demo
  • summary of feedback for other game devs making similar games in the form of likes and suggestions
  • first impression of game trailer
  • a lets play video series

Let me know what you think.

Hey there! That's very considerate of you to ask! Of course you can make videos about it and I'd be happy to watch them :) 

My only concern would be the trailer since it's quite old and I would do a new one, once the game releases haha 😅

But feel free to share your videos here, once they're done.

Thank you for permission. :)

Deleted 17 days ago

Thank you so much for sharing! Have to catch up on the last two videos but I'm happy you enjoyed the game :)

Deleted 17 days ago
Deleted 17 days ago

Wow, thank you so much for sharing! :) Happy you chose to play Numina.


it was Really fun =3

not sure how this works but will numina remain free to download once the full game is released? also super excited to play after reading the comments haha

Hey bkto! Thanks for your comment :) The full game won't be free, I haven't settled on a price yet tho. 


So this is unusual but I feel like anything game-related should go here, right?

Outside of making videos, I'm also a writer and I loved this game so much that I made a little something about it. I guess it could be considered the first fanwork for the game?

I do sincerely hope you like it, and don't think it's weird that I did this lol.

Have a nice day.


Aww, I feel so honored that you shared this! I used to write fanfics for my favorite anime so I really appreciate that you took your time and wrote your own little story.

I also feel like you really captured the back and forth between Shawn and his guardian spirit! Such a cute and lovely little story :)


I don't know if it's because I took less time going to explore or take quests, but it feels like this demo ended earlier than I remember last time I played. Either way, I still love it! And I'm looking forward to the full release.


Haha, maybe because you remember some stuff from the last time! Thank you so much for sharing these 😊

Longest one so far!
(1 edit) (+1)

Im so excited for the release!! Cant wait =)

By the way, do you need any help with cover art or anything that needs to be drawn? Id love to help out in any way I can.

Happy you enjoyed the game & thanks for the kind offer :) But currently I don't need any additional artwork. 

Cassandra and Masame joined your party!


So i just finished playing the demo and it's great so far! There was this one part in the Shimmering Hollows where i got stuck and so i had to reload a save because i couldn't move lol. Also it seems like the autosave function doesn't work? I turned it on but idk.

Anyways, i love the idea for this game and i can't wait for the full game to be finished! I do hope, however, that eventually they'll be a way to skip maybe the intro part of the game? Maybe being able to press space if you'd like to skip it or something like that. Just a suggestion but you don't have to do that!

Thank you so much for your feedback! Happy you enjoyed the game :) And sorry for the inconveniences. 

The autosave function is implemented in a way where it saves at specific story points, rather than regular timed intervals. I might do a combination of both for the full release. 


Raphael is saved.


I helped out Sarah once again!


Still as sad as I remember..


is the new update will be full version?

Hey there, 

it won't be an update to the existing demo from 2017 since I switched engines since then. So it'll be a new release :)



Sorry, I'm little too hyped.
Hi starlit, it has been so long. Literally.
BUT, I got my new computer, I setup everything and here I am playing this game again.
I'm so happy to hear that it's almost finished and that it got greenlit on Steam!

I can see you're going places!
Anyways, here is my video: 

Please go in with caution. I've grown to be very sarcastic in the last few years ;)


Ooh how cool to hear from you :D Haha, happy that you're up an running again! Thanks for sharing, I'll check out the video!

Deleted 17 days ago

Thanks for asking! I'm in the final stages :) But there's still a lot of testing and quality assurance to be done to ensure the game will be worth the wait.


Can't wait.

Make sure to make a big announcement !

I don't want to miss it ;)

This game looks absolutely beautiful and amazing, the demo was great ever since i played it around 2018. Just to hear that its coming out soon makes me excited again.


This is one of my all time favorite games on Itchio! It has a nice unique plot interesting characters and a good story.  I played this way back and was too nervous to leave a review but i wanted to let you know this is one of my favorite games. I also really appreaciate that you respond back!  Thanks for making such an interesting game and i cant wait for the full release! :)

Wow thank you so much for your kind words! :) And thanks for coming back & leaving a comment! I appreciate all of them so I feel like I have to respond when a person takes their time to formulate their thoughts about Numina.


me encantó el Demo! la idea es bastante original y espero el juego completo <3 (también espero que consideren sacar un versión en Español, definitivamente destacaría :D )


Gracias!! Sorry, I don't speak Spanish, haha so I had to use Google Translate, but I'm happy you've enjoyed the demo :) 

I can't promise it, but I'm definitely looking at more localizations apart from German & English for the full version of the game.


The game is excellent! I was wondering if there was a secrets guide or something that could demonstrate changes in the plot based on our decisions. Also, how do we skip cutscenes if we enabled them? They're interesting the first time but I often feel the need to reload to see if I missed stuff.


Also, I have the same problem that another commenter had with the tower- I am unable to grapple onto the first step of the tower, the one that doesn't move. Moreover, running from random encounters has crashed my game before, and the item picked up at the end of the caves (in a bridge/railroad puzzle right before meeting cassandra and her friend for the first time) is bugged out and doesn't display properly.


Hey there! Thank you so much for taking the time to write a comment :) Happy to hear you enjoyed the game. Currently there's no walkthrough I know of, but I might be working on one, after I finished the game :) 

There's an option to skip tutorials, but I haven't planned on implementing something to skip cutscenes. The hard part being the player choices that need some context, so I'd have to look at every scene in the game. But there will be an option to speed up text in the upcoming release.

Also very sorry about the crashes! I'm addressing them in the next release.

That's fair! I'll definitely update my review after next update!


Hi! I finished the demo a few months ago, and I just wondered if your gonna add a quest guide on the completed version. Hope to hear some news!

Hey there :) Yes! The next release will contain a quest log for the main story quests as well as side-quests.


I finished the demo.Game is just great.I will wait for full game.

Great! :) Happy you liked it & thanks for the comment!


i really loved the story, the style and the music. but since for making perfection critic is needed, i would say that the character illustrations that sometimes appear like cassandra's drawing on the inn are kind of plain and could be a lot more well made if you compare them to the rest of great graphics of the game

also, i am unable to climb the side quest tower, i have tryed everything to climb it but exactly in that place i cant use the climbing hability

Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to write your feedback :) Glad you enjoyed the game! I'm not fully sure where you're stuck on that map but the tower at the coast needs the right timining with the moving platforms to execute the climbing ability. Hope that helps!


thanks for asnwering!, i did tryed at every moment, i even pressed the button to climb one time after another so i wouldnt miss anything but still.

I got stuck at shimmering hollows after i fought the crystalite boss its said that some script is missing and closed the game. After i opened the game i came back to fight the whole thing again and after that it says something about errors and closed the game again... can you tell me how to fix this? and also when i click the escape button (in game) it closes the game too.. i knew that this game is long so i woudn't wanna miss opportunity to end it..

Hey Angela,

first off, sorry for the inconvenience! :( I'm working hard on fixing these issues in the upcoming release. Can you post the error messages? That would be a good starting point for me to help you. 


Hey Starlit! i just realized after i fought the boss, the game just actually  goes on and i think it is already fixed... haha btw this is the first time i play such great  a long game like this! I still haven't finished it though.. 

Oh happy that the issue resolved itself, haha! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game! :)


Welp, imma play through this again.

Keep up the great work! : )


Oh yeah, also, what software are you using to make this?

Thank you! The last demo was created using RPG Maker XP but since then I've switched over to RPG Maker MV.


If I wanted to get into making RPG's in this style what softwarewould  you recommend to a beginner?


Yeah definitely! There's a lot that the program handles for you and especially MV allows you to also get in deeper with Scripting.


Ok! Ill have to check it out, thanks again!



Just a heads up that when I tried to escape the fight against the mimic the game crashed, I also encountered a few typos in the English version and in the Cloud temple one sentence entirely in german. Other than that the game is great and I'm having a blast playing. 

Keep up the good work~ :)

Thank you so much for your feedback! And I'm relieved that you still get to enjoy the game even with the bug. Working hard on eliminating as much of them in the next release.


Hello, just want to inform you that when I try to battle the Rock Devils--I believe that's what they're called, the creatures in the human crystal cave?--my game'll either crash if I try to escape, or I won't be able to chose fight options after it uses 'Barrier'. 

Just a heads up.

Hey there! Thank you very much for the report and sorry for the inconvenience!! The bug will be fixed in the upcoming release. 

I hope you get to enjoy the game nonetheless.


Yes, I've been enjoying it and am very eager to continue playing it. It's very unique, and brings a sense of nostalgia whenever I play it.


hey, so you were talking about the human crystal cave monsters right? about that, i found it difficult to fight him because he was super strong. but it turned out later that you should hit the crystals that give him power to attack you. make shawn hit the monster and his friends hit the crystals. if that didn’t work then i’m sorry 

Oh, no I beat him just fine. I was talking  about the Crystal Devils--If I remeber--the one(s) that wanders around when Shawn first destroys the glowing crystals--the cave with the skeleton and chest? The problem I was having, that everytime I tried to escape them, a message would pop up and then the came would crash/close. 

Thank you for the reply, nonetheless. :D

i'm having an issue with screen size where it zooms in on one tiny corner, its very annoying because i cant even start playing the game, and i really want to play it, if there is something im doing wrong can someone tell me? 

Hey there! Sorry, I haven't heard of this issue before. Maybe it has something to do with your graphics card? 

I know that with an Nvidia-card (and probably also with other GPUs), you can change the display settings for single applications and change things like the scaling in the Nvidia System Settings.

I hope this helps!


thank you so much for the help!

(1 edit) (+1)

Very good demo I loved graphics and music is nice too! I will check for updates on this game! Great job on the particle effects, they're amazing.

Keep up the good work it will be great!

Thank you very much! :) 

Yeah I love experimenting around with effects like the particles, so thanks for noticing!

Well, hello. This game is so good! The music and the art! I love them so much! I have no words to describe how much i like it.

Also, i really liked Raphael, i would give him my life


Honestly, your game is amazing. I've just recently finished and find myself checking often for updates, and while I typically don't comment much, you surely deserve the praise! I too am interested in creating games, and I aspire for my games to have the same clear passion, love, and care as yours does! I've played many rpg games (as they are my preferred) and yours has firmly rooted itself on the top of my favorites list! It is honestly BEAUTIFUL, both in story and in visuals (which are absolutely stunning, beyond words). I love how you took such care to craft the story from the ground up. That is to say, you didn't directly introduce the obvious, such as the relations of the characters, but more so allowed the player to learn through context. It feels genuine. I think that is a sign of a great creator! :)


Hey there! Thank you so much for your words, your comment made my day after feeling a bit demotivated today :) 

And I'm very happy that you found the interactions with the characters genuine, this was a huge goal for me I hoped to achieve with this. Please stick around, I promise there's more of what resonated with you in the upcoming release!


This game was amazing and the graphics/animations were well done. The story line was compelling. I was sad when I finished it. I look forward to seeing the finished product. 10/10 would play again.


Thank you so much for your kind words! :) I put a lot of effort into all the effects & animations, so I'm happy to hear them being appreciated.

Thanks again & please stick around to see the upcoming release of the game. 


Hey ! As a RMXP tryharder dev (you can see my game here :, i'm a huge fan of your work. I'm currently playing your game and enjoy it so far. Your mapping and stagging are excellent, and the dialogue are immersive. Work on animation and scripts are impressive as well. I go back to play it, and will do my feedback when it's over.

Really great work, will definitly buy it (or donate) when the full game will be out. 

Sorry for my English, not my first language.

Cheers !

Thank you very much! And good speed with your project! :) RMXP rules.


After i used the escape option in battle (wanted to go faster, wasn't a particularly hard fight) i encontered a bug that made the game crash. I didn't had time to printscreen the error shown but was something like "visible object not found".


I was in the first cave after saving Raphael from the bandits.


It was very sad because i lost a bunch of progress due to the last time i manually saved. I thought the game had autosaves.


Hey there! Very sorry for the inconvenience :( All these problems should be resolved in the upcoming release. The game does autosave after most cutscenes but not in a regular intervall. 

Sorry again!  I hope you're not completely demotivated to see the rest of the demo.


Thanks for your answer, sadly it was. I was unsure how frequent the autosaves were and actually wanted to manually save the game after that battle (which is why i wanted to escape so i could quickly save). My heart was too broken to keep playing :(, i will give it another try in the future though. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! played the demo. I really enjoy the story and I'm impressed with the game mech. Very clever way to implement the fourth wall, without feeling too sudden, it blends into the plot. Love to see the full game.

Hi :) Thank you for the feedback! Happy that you enjoyed the demo! I'm working hard on finishing the game. It's also always very fun to think about the dialogue choices for the player and other ways to incorporate that character into the game. 

Thanks again!


looking good, hope to see a full release

Thank you very much! :) Working very hard on the last stages of the upcoming release!


(plays the demo)


I make an effort to respond to every comment, but I just didn't know how to reply 😂 Thank you very much!

I know the perfect way to reply to my comment:

Step 1. Shut up.

Step 2. Take my money.

It's so good, keep up the good work! I'm so glad I found a website with quality indie creations!


Hello! I was searching for a new game to play and I felt in love with your game! The story looks amazing, I love the ambience, The fourth-wall breaking concept is really cool and well managed! I can't wait to see more and obviously I will buy this game when it's completed ;)

Hey there! Thank you so much for taking your time and writing me a comment :) Glad that you've enjoyed the game! I'm working hard on the upcoming release!


The game is amazing! And I really like the concept of it
Some choices are so hilarious that I couldn't help but choose it

Though when I went inside the temple (not sure what the name is because it's a bit hard to spell). The language is in German and that's pretty neat? 

Welllllll, I couldn't read it though xD

Love the game and can't wait for more


Thanks so much! :D Yeah, I wanted to include some funny choices and possible banter between the player and Shawn to lighten things up. 

I'll try to fix all the translation errors in the upcoming release! Promised! >_<


Ahh! I wish you best of luck on your work :D


Good Afternoon! I am just stopping by to let you know that Driftwood gaming is going to stream your demo in about 15 or so minutes. If you wanted to pop in that would be awesome! :D


Even if you missed it, you can see the stream on Driftwood Gaming's channel. :)

Oh, thank you so much for informing me!! :) I'll definitely watch the VOD!

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